Jonathan Berry
YouTube Entertainment
Jonathan Berry
Jonathan Berry
New Site:
Here on Jonathan Berry is my professional and academic channel. This channel will feature content designed to teach, inform, and open discussion.
Weekly videos will be released on Monday at 17:00 Central Time (5 PM).
This video series will cover and discuss topics from an academic and informative standpoint.
Subjects include, but are not limited to history, language/linguistics, and mathematics.
Politics & the World
A Videos series in which I discuses politics and current events from an objective standpoint.
Also Political Theory will be discussed.
What If...?
In this video series I will explore how history would have been different if an historical event occurred differently or not at all.
An Alternate History Series.
Flags Explained
A Videos series discussing vexillology (the study of Flags). I will be looking into how individual flags came about, what those flags mean, and why certain flags hold power in society.
Off Topic
In this video series, I will stray from the objective trend of my channel when needed. The videos may or may not be polarizing/ controversial.
Channel Updates and Q&A videos will occur as needed and/or announced.